Invenies Verba
July 15, 2021: A new game is coming! The TurboBASIC XL source
code of version 1.0 from 2014 has been ported to C and is being
expanded. A pre-release is available.
Invenies Verba (Latin for "find the words")
is a single-player fast-action word puzzle game, based on the
mobile- and web-based game
by Simple Machine.
The objective of the game is to produce words by using
a collection of random letters. As time progresses, meters
next to each unused letter fills up. If any letter's meter
fills completely, the game ends.
Based on each letter's frequency in the language, different letters
provide different score when used — the more frequent it is,
the fewer points it's worth. Letters' frequencies also determine
how quickly their meters fill — the more frequently-seen ones
have meters that fill the fasted.
Every 3rd word you enter takes you to the next level, where
points are multiplied, but meters also fill more quickly.
How far can you get?