Many thanks to this year's sponsors, who help take Atari Party to the next level!
Paul Westphal, who runs Eight Bit Fix, a sales and consultation company focused on the Atari 8-bit line of computers, was kind enough to donate a copy of the recent Atari XL/XE conversion of the arcade game Space Harrier, by Chris Hutt, for our prize drawing.
Rob McMullen, host of the Player/Missile Podcast, a retrospective of the Atari 8-bit line of home computers, and the video games that came out for them, has graciously donated some Atari to PC USB cables, and a Raspberry Pi, for our prize drawing.
Kevin Savetz, author of the autobiography
Sal, of the Northwest Retro Computing and Video Game Club in northern Oregon/southern Washington, is donating an Atari ST RGB-to-Component video converter for our prize drawing.
The producers of World 1-1, a new independent documentary on the early history of video games, have given us permission to screen their film at this year's Atari Party!
The Linux Users' Group of Davis is loaning Atari Party a projector for screening World 1-1.
David Maddox, friend of Atari Party (and long-time friend of Bill Kendrick, the party's coordinator), has donated a copy of The Art of Video Games, for our prize drawing.
Chris Melissinos, author
Zach Johnson, friend of Atari Party (and long-time friend of Bill Kendrick, the party's coordinator), has donated an Advanced Gravis Switch Joystick for our prize drawing.
John Reed, friend of Atari Party (and of its coordinator), graciously donated his entire Atari 2600 collection for our prize drawing.
Ryan Collins of,
and Bitsmack webcomic (with his brother),
and friend of Atari Party, and long-time
!) friend of Bill Kendrick,
the party's coordinator, donated $50.00 to help offset the
expenses for this year's show.
Bob Conner, friend of Atari Party, donated an Atari 2600 collection and an Atari ST laser printer for our prize drawing.
Philip Louie, Atari Party exhibitor for many years, is donating pamphlets, stickers, posters, and even a balloon, that Atari produced for various products for our prize drawing.
At the last minute, Neal offered to donate a second Raspberry Pi for our prize drawing.
Finally, we'd like to thank all of the
volunteers who are helping
Interested in sponsoring Atari Party 2015? Contact Bill Kendrick.
Date | Entity | What | Amount | Details |
2015-02-xx | Yolo County library | Meeting room | -$35.00 | $10 for A/V use, $25 for food |
2015-02-xx | Copyland, Davis | 40 color copies: AP2015 flyer | -$15.19 | $0.35/copy, plus tax |
2015-02-23 | Copyland, Davis | 40 color copies: AP2015 flyer | -$15.19 | $0.35/copy, plus tax |
2015-03-17 | Copyland, Davis | 50 b/w copies: AP2015 handout (for IDGA Sac Indie Arcade) 50 b/w copies: CAX flyer (for AP2015) |
-$6.51 | $0.06/copy, plus tax |
2015-04-09 | Ebay | AC adapter for 2600 give-away | -$5.99 | |
2015-04-12 | Ryan 'gozar' Collins | Donation | $50.00 | |
2015-05-01 | Nugget Markets, Davis | Fruit for volunteers, paper plates/etc. | -$30.17 | |
Total | -$58.05 |
"Atari" is a registered trademark of Atari, Inc. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners. This event is not sponsored or endorsed by the Yolo County public library.